Music Notes Unlimited

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Music Notes Unlimited subscription cost?

We have two affordable MNU plans: an Annual Subscription at $20/year or a Monthly Subscription at $1.99/month ($23.88/year).

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

If you wish to cancel your MNU subscription for any reason, just shoot us an email with your sign-up information and we can get you sorted. You can read our Terms and Conditions in detail here:

What is included with my Music Notes Unlimited subscription?

For each month you are a paying subscriber, you will have unlimited access to our entire library of 140+ music videos sortable by subject (Math, science, motivational videos, anti-vaping/anti-smoking, etc) and by grade level so you can easily find and watch your favorites. Plus, you’ll have early access to every new music video we release in the future.

I'm not ready to subscribe right now. Do you have any free content?

We got you! We have lots of free content on our Free Videos page including some of our most popular videos like I Did My Homework. You can also sample clips of our full albums on our Music page.

Sounds like an amazing deal. Where do I sign up?

You can sign up for Music Notes Unlimited on our Sign-Up page. And if you have any more questions, hit us up at .